11: Utilities and User Commands
Command | Purpose |
add_wd_ev | Add a CyFlex event to be monitored by the ‘cyflex_wd’ task. |
add_wd_inperrs | Add Input Error events from all active devices in system attributes. |
caLoad | Performs checks and launches downstream CyberApps utilities. |
cell_map_db_create_insert | Create/Insert/Update /data/cell_map.db with contents of the /data/cell_map.SITE files. |
clear_error | Send a message to the error manager that will cause the error message queue to be deleted. Running the command “errs” after this will only show errors generated after the clear_error command was issued. |
clr_notify_msg | Clear all notify messages from console screens. |
clr_safety_msg | Clear all safety messages from console screens. |
cre8_script | Generate a script file containing a line for all nodes within the /data/cell_map file for a specified type of system. |
cre8_secure_login_pwd | Create an encrypted password file for the secure_vrbl_chg program. |
critical | Make a task critical |
ctlgevlist | Set event with string content |
cyflex_wd | Monitor events for watchdog conditions. |
cyflexlogevent | Provide and use a command line interface to add entries to the CyFlex system log. |
darts_datapoint | Control the sequencing and reporting of various channel measurements. |
dec2hex | Convert a decimal to a hexadecimal equivalent. |
deg2mv | Convert a temperature value to an equivalent millivolt value by working backward through a “long” calibration table for a designated channel. |
Delete an event from monitoring by the watchdog task. | |
delay | Read the delay.nnn spec file to determine what streams of data are produced from variable 1 to variable 2 while introducing a delay. The delay is a specified number of samples and a specified sample interval. Within the spec file, there can be a maximum of 32 lines. |
dspec_qt5_conv | Create a .ui file from a dsply_specs.nnn file. |
dumpit | Display table of all active CyFlex variables. |
dump_csar_lookup | Display CSAR variable labels. |
dump_labels | Display table of all active CyFlex variables. |
dy_ff | Switch dyno feed forward ON/OFF |
elb | Insert a electronic logbook entry into the the /specs/log/log.nnn file. The user is prompted to enter in their RACFID and a comment to be written to the logbook. |
eo | Execute a specified command on a file. |
err_codes | Obtain an error description associated with a given error code or number. |
errc | Obtain error code information. |
er_report | Create a database importable version of er_specs. |
errs | Retrieve errors from the error manager database. |
errs_state | Retrieve errors from the error state manager database. The retrieved errors are written to a readable file. |
evreal | Event content to real |
Produce a filtered dump of CyFlex variables. | |
flash_rpt | Use this generic report writer to convert a template into a point-in-time report that contains variable label/value/units for each label tag found in a template file. |
flexui_specs | Configure display consoles with a specified display specification file. |
framp | Apply a ramp to a variable. |
garb_ck | Check a file for non-printable characters. |
get_cart_info | Obtain emission cart assignment information. |
get_hostname | Find the hostname of a specified testcell and place the result into a specified CyFlex string variable. |
get_mapped_file | Get the location of a mapped file or resource. |
get_mapped_host | Get the hostname of a mapped file or resource. |
get_site_cfg | Get the @SITE_CONFIG entry in the cvs_specs file. |
get_tc_name | Print the cell name to the standard output (std_out). |
get_tc_num | Return the numerical equivalent of a cell_name. |
get_vrbl_age | Return the value of the time in seconds since a variable(s) was last updated. |
gval | Display/return the value of a CyFlex XXX_VARIABLE. |
gvals | Output the values of a list of variables. |
gvar | Get the value of a variable. |
hex2dec | Convert a hexadecimal to a decimal equivalent. |
is_name_ready | Determine if a particular application is running, provided that it has registered its name. |
learnit | Learn a test cycle. |
limit_status | Display the current state of all limits in the system. |
list_wd_ev | List the events currently being monitored by the CyFlex watchdog task. |
LV_test | Simple functional test of the LV interface. LV stands for LabView, but it really applies to any external interface that needs to access information about CyFlex variables. |
make_tri_arrays | Create array variables to hold the contents of tri_specs.dat |
merge_keyword_files | Merge 2 files which use keywords into one file. |
mkdate | Save a date/time value to specified variable(s). |
mk_data_dirs_cn |
Create the directories under the /data directory on a central node for the specified site. |
mk_data_dirs_tc |
Create the directories under the /data directory on a test cell node |
mk_PAMtestids | Create files within the /data/PAMtestids directory. |
mk_string_tran | Create a transition event for a string variable. |
newtest_cron |
Produce a log file and Electronic Log entry that documents all tests and associated TRVs. |
noncritical | Make a task not critical. |
ramp | Apply a ramp to a variable. |
re-read | Send a re-read event message to an application whose registered name matches the argument. |
recal_spd_pm | Recalibrate the speed and period measurement tables. |
release_task | Release task instance resources and exit the system. |
rm_event | Remove a permanent CyFlex event. |
rm_headers_in_btw | Remove extraneous headers in a floger output file. |
rnd_trip | Hard-wire an analog output (ao) on eblox or snapio to a analog input (ai) for eblox or snapio and record how long it takes after the ao change to see the value on the ai channel. |
roadspeed_oly | Obtain the vehicle speed from an ECM as used in a particular pickup truck. |
rpm_change_log | Gather information from the History section of the document section to produce a report of changes that have been made to a file between the specified start and end dates. |
rstr_pnp_dat | Restore the values of any pnp logical variables that have been saved. |
rtsched | Start a program with real-time schedule options. |
set_color | Set the color of a variable (REAL, LOGICAL, INTEGER, STRING, or array). |
secure_vrbl_chg | Allow an authorized user to change the value of private shared memory variables. |
setAEI_time | Get the current time and sets a string variable with the time in a format that is compatible with AEI multiFilter change cart. |
setev | Set a CyFlex event. |
setevint | Set an event with integer content. |
setevlist | Set an event with string content. |
setevparam | Set an event with additional structure message data. Use this if the event you want to set is complex and not something that can be set with setevint or setevstr. You must know beforehand what the event structure looks like and create a file for it. |
setevstr | Set an event with string content. |
settoll | Change the compressed history tolerance value for a list of variables. |
show_mem |
Print the available memory size for common shared memory areas allocated for CyFlex variables and the portion of that which is used. |
sigmon | Monitor a list of given events (up to 20). |
simple_elb | Insert an electronic logbook entry into the the /specs/log/log.nnn file. The user is prompted to enter in their RACFID and a comment to be written to the logbook. |
sine | Apply a sine function to a variable |
snap | Search all CyFlex shared memory areas which contain arrays of CyFlex variables and print the label, value, and units, if the variable has the “display_active” member TRUE. |
squarew | Apply a square_wave function to a variable. |
tcs_more | Attempt to communicate with each CyFlex system that is defined in the /data/cell_map file. |
wait_for_event | Wait for a specified event or for a specified number of seconds. |
windows_reader | Transfer and read a windows file from a samba link, store the data from the file into cyflex variables, and then delete the file. |